Join me for an early January weekend workshop at Kripalu, on Permission to Write Your Story
A Weekend Workshop on Permission and Story Ownership
Who are we to write our story? 
Must we ask permission to write our truth? How do we move beyond the constraints of fear, shame, and self-censoring to get to a place where we are able to clearly write an engaging narrative?
The act of crafting engaging stories elevates them beyond valuable journaling to a place where they become a vital and dynamic tool for self-discovery, clarity, resolution, and healing. Yet the daunting questions of permission and truth-telling can keep the writer — at any level — from moving into a place where voice, story, and clarity are free to emerge.
Please join me at Kripalu during the first weekend in January, from 1/5-1/7, where we will spend our days engaged in the process of marrying writing to contemplation in order to:
Explore the creation of engaging personal storytelling and memoir
Focus on overcoming ancient shame narratives and make meaning out of chaos
See the truth and healing potential in your words
If you have been to Kripalu, you know what a magical place it is, especially in the winter. If you have not been to Kripalu, you are in for an absolute treat: my workshop will include access to (free and amazing) yoga classes at every level, from sunup to sundown; delicious food; beautiful grounds and places to walk and hike; bodywork/ayurvedic healing/acupuncture if you want or need it. Spending the first weekend of 2024 in the peace of the Berkshires is a lovely way to begin the new year.
The goal of my workshop is to help writers at every level learn to move beyond the constraints of fear to a place of profound awareness that the stories we carry are ours, and make us who we are. Please come with a willingness to unravel issues of truth and permission on the page, and an acknowledgement that the impulse to tell one’s story must be honored. The atmosphere of my workshop is warm, inviting, non-judgmental, supportive, and compassionate: in my estimation, there is no greater way to foster creativity and help writers move beyond the natural anxiety that comes with writing the stories they must tell. We are the art-making, story-telling species; it is a part of who we are.
I would love to see you there - Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, and I’ll answer them as best I can.
Signed up and truly looking forward to it!