Wonderful list! And happy birthday! One more for the list, which I appropriated from a good friend: say yes as often as possible, especially to trying new things/adventures.

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Happy birthday! 🥳 Though you might want to revisit #27. I’ve had some really good canned olives.🫒

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I had forgotten about your list. After reading it this morning, I found myself wagging my head in agreement and astonishment at the wisdom of the words. How absolutely true and inspiring to focus on these things that truly matter. Thank you for making me think this morning and giving me mind food.

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It's my 65th birthday today, a special number and a very special day, and your list came by email right on the spot, thank you so much.

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I love it --a few questions about a few of these (canned olives?) but overall it all feels exactly right. And happy birthday! I turned 70 this year and the sixties were amazing.

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It's #85 that gets me.

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Bed, couch, chair. They devote themselves to us; the least we can do is allow them a soft and warm place next to us.

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Yes! I feel the same. My partner, not as much. I'm sending him your list. Let's see if we can move this dial. 🐶

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i lost my wristwatch during an airport security check five years ago and never replaced it. don't miss it at all. and as for "a smart watch"...no way!

and men in speedos! i swim at my local community center and, well, all sorts of fellas wear all sorts of swim costumes. it is quite interesting that the older men tend to be the speedo wearers. perhaps they dreaming of past olympic hopes!

anyway, a lovely list with a mix of whimsy and wisdom.

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I think the Speedo thing falls into the WISHFUL THINKING category.

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Love you!

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This is completely delightful! Happy Birthday month!

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Stupendous. Thank you. and Happy Birthday

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Happy birthday! 🎂 And thank you for The Perfect List, some of which I do already, but much of which will clearly enhance joy.

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Happy Birthday🥳. Thank you for sharing this wonderful list, grateful for this and all your posts xx

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Loved the list. Love your sense of humor and your wisdom. Thank you for sharing

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Have a Happy Birthday this year too. I could relate to so many of the things on your list. Particularly those that have to with love and pets. I’m 76 now and I can say that so many of the things on your list are still very true the older you get. Thank you for sharing.

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I love this so much! I'm a June birthday as well--about to turn 48 a few days before you turn 61. This post inspires me to make a list of my own. I could see myself echoing your thoughts about dogs, walking, and wristwatches.

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I am 66 and love this list. It is timeless and ageless. Thank you as always for your sense of humor.

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