Get well soon. Thank you for the recipes and the promise of excitement they bring.

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Hope you feel better soon!

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I hope you all get better soon. Glad that my dumpling noodle soup is providing some solace and nourishment during these difficult days.

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So glad you are feeling better! (And we get to read about it!)

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So sorry you and Susan were sick .Happy you are getting stronger day by day 💪.

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Enjoyed reading and hope ur better soon!

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Do you have a favorite brand of frozen dumpling. I've been looking at another of Hetty's recipes (and also I need to see what we have on the Island), but just wondering if you have settled on one you like. Glad you're back, Bea!

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Get healthy! and thanks to Katherine May for pitching in.

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sending all my love and a helping of strength. so glad you're on the mend. that intro in Annie's book had me weeping from the first words...

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Gald to see you’re upright again!

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