I have such deep admiration for you, Elissa. Your work, your art in words, has made my life, and doubtlessly many others, so much better for having read it. I know you’re exhausted. Thank you for staying connected to the trickle charge. Sending love and prayers back to you in solidarity.

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"... the discipline of imagination." This. Right. Here. Thank you so much for naming that so well Elissa.

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I have pondered this very question. Why create anything at this time? Surely there are more pressing issues to deal with, write and talk about. However, if that act of creation brings communion to people, brings joy, nourishment or solace, then we should create. I have felt unsure about continuing to write my next project. Thank you for your beautiful words reminding us all, that we must continue, particularly in face of all this madness.

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Ah, okay, now I understand where this urge to create is coming from - why maybe I was trying to make collages out of news headlines! Thank you for this illumination, and for the comfort and encouragement and everything else you are giving to us during this time. Onward.

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Thank you! These were the right words at the right time to jolt me from a stunned and dazed anesthetic-like state of mind. My wife has breast cancer, we’re terrified most of the time, and yet we manage to wake from sleepless nights to carry on for one more day. My memoir is 80% ready for publishing, requires the integration of comments from my editor, yet I find myself like Lot’s wife, turned into a pillar of salt. I’m ready to melt and pick up the pen. Thank you. I’m looking forward to reading Permission!

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Thank you.,

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We must create or we die. Always feed the soul...with paint, laughter, words or tasty delights.

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"...I say that if we don’t heed the call to create, and give ourselves permission, our worlds darken and fade." Thank you for sharing this post. I'm in Australia, but the US repercussions are felt far and wide. I am motivated to write and create all that I can to share beauty and also to promote honesty in myself and other systems, such as the fundamentalist pseudo-Christian sect 2x2's in which I was born and raised.

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just superb

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Knitting a cowl as we speak. Beautiful post and art in itself. Thank you

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This article fed my soul. Grateful for your sharing.

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Thank you for this. These kind of messages remind us we are not alone in our conflicted emotional states. Knowing that there are artists everywhere often overwhelmed by the state we are in, still trying to push on, is vital. I’m going into the studio today and get back to work. ❤️

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I have always felt like creation has been my salvation. I'm so grateful to be a creative. And I'm so grateful for other creatives whose work has so enhanced my own life. Thank you for this.

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