Jun 16Liked by Elissa Altman

This is my first Father’s Day without my beautiful Dad. He too saved me.

Thank you❤️❤️❤️

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Jun 16Liked by Elissa Altman

I love everything about this and it made my cry thinking about my own relationship with my father. He died in 2013 and there isn’t a day I also don’t think about him in ways both big and small. Beautiful tribute and writing! Thank you.

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Thank you 🙏🏻

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so moving and beautifully told

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I felt like I was right there with you. A fly on the wall or a cat on the couch. Admiring your love for one another.

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Beautiful piece of writing, thank you. I wish I had had a father that I could remember with such love and exquisite detail and with missing.

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Jun 20Liked by Elissa Altman


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Jun 18Liked by Elissa Altman


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Jun 18Liked by Elissa Altman

So beautiful. Such a supportive, loving and wise father.

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Wow - this is gorgeous writing.

What a remarkable tribute to your dad.

I’m so glad I read this. I lost my dad in 2020, before I got sober. In fact, the grief is likely what pushed me to get sober. He was perhaps one of my best drinking buddies but more than that - he was my biggest cheerleader. He always knew how to lift my spirits. I often wonder what kind of accolades he would toss my way now that my life is one of recovery from the liquid that spilled into so much of our time together.

This essay made me feel closer to my own dad. Father’s Day is always hard. Thanks, Elissa 🙏🏼

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What a beautiful piece of writing. I feel like I got to know your dad through this, you made him come alive on the page & isn’t that just about the sweetest homage you can give for anyone you love. Thank you for this.

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so tender. a dose of heart medicine and a loving tribute.

my father died when i was 26 and he and i were close, too. 38 years of missing him. he was left-handed and he taught me to play pool as a lefty (though it has been years). thanks dad!

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Jun 16Liked by Elissa Altman

Sweet, moving and lovely, as always. 🥰

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Jun 16Liked by Elissa Altman

On my first Father’s Day without my Dad, with whom I too had an intensely close relationship, this piece strikes a consonant chord. Our fathers were always there to support us and their presence will always be with us. Thank you for sharing your eloquent words today.

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I love this so much. Thank you for sharing your relationship with us. It brought me to tears wishing I could have had that kind of closeness with my father.

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Elissa Altman: Although, as a husband of 51-years to Nancy, the LOVE-OF-MY-LIFE and MY-LIGHT, a dad of two daughters who are WONDERFUL PERSONS and whose inner soul will fill a whole room, and an adored 17-year-old granddaughter, I am not much for Father's Day, because of so many women whose lives have been wrecked by men.

YOURS is one of the most beautiful stories -- that speak to YOUR inner goodness.

You speak powerfully.

Vicariously, I find myself loving your Dad very much and am very thankful for HIS presence in your life as well as for Shirley and not least, Susan.

Loved ones are the real and ONLY treasures. Material goods provide secondary needs, like your delicious drinks.

But the LOVED ONES -- your Dad, Shirley, Susan, and, at one time . . . your Mom . . . these all are persons we must protect, nourish, shelter, take care of, watch for.

You have learned that, at first hard, but then through the beauty, the breathtaking beauty that is in human LOVE in its wide varieties.

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Jun 16Liked by Elissa Altman


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