This is powerful and moving, haunting and nourishing all at once. Food and dreams /nightmares -- can really relate to that and so beautifully woven together.

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A wonderful piece, thank you. I feel connected to the magical, terrifying more than here through the earthiness of root vegetables!

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I believe epigenetics may be part of the problem of overweight* now plaguing us–just when nutrition for the general population is better than in most of history. Yet, hunger seems so difficult to slake. As to corporations made food “taste good”? Well of course they did! What were they supposed to do, say, here, buy our product, because you won’t like it much?

*I hate the word obese and I’m tired of hearing about the crisis. In fact many people are somewhat or rather over a healthy weight; but let’s reserve the word obese for people at the extreme end, as we once did.

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I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to here. There is no discussion in the essay about overweight (or obesity for that matter).

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Think one could sub in kale or chard if no good collards can be found this week?

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Your writing satiated my appetite, I can almost taste the flavors! Thank you for sharing.

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I love this! A dream / soup connection. It makes me think of the idea that we can’t choose our dreams (what we inherit), but we can choose to make the soup (how we nourish/heal).

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Love the recipe + the shout-out to Atticus!

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Thank you for the comfort of soup. Bad dreams and the grounding of someone loving making it bearable with food reminded me of warm graham crackers with jam- my loving adult's remedy for a nightmare. Every nightmare makes me 6 years old again.

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Sending my friend to Atticus Bakery tomorrow for bread.

Please sleep peacefully.


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So intertwining the ground and getting grounded in our own roots one might wonder in the awe of its awesome genetics how one might reconstruct a dream alchemized for nourishing the other senses rising to a revised recipe of timelines. ❤️‍🔥🦋

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Horrific dream.

Amazing wife who makes amazing soup.

Bummer you don't like beets but I can appreciate that dislike if they taste like dirt to you.

May you be well with good dreams and a lovely sleep!

(and apparently I've taken to commenting in almost point form for some reason🤣)

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Elissa, I reckon you still have 2 3/4 lbs of carrots left on hand. Are you perchance saving these for some sort of exorcism ritual. I do not envy you your bad dreams. Best, John

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