I think as an artist I try to extend the inner realm. Yes in notebooks, on scraps, physical reminders of dreams and analogies. And this extension takes place on the writing desk too with all the gathered stuff, representations of connections made. So my workshop is to some extend my inner realm. The movement is from inner to outer. And t…
I think as an artist I try to extend the inner realm. Yes in notebooks, on scraps, physical reminders of dreams and analogies. And this extension takes place on the writing desk too with all the gathered stuff, representations of connections made. So my workshop is to some extend my inner realm. The movement is from inner to outer. And the more finished work is nothing less than exposed innards. Shards put back together to form a new impermanent whole.
The world does the same but from the outward in. It tries to invade. The brain, the skin, the ratio, the gut blocks that, inhibits the incoming, filters it, seeks out the nourishment and excretes the rest. The world needs to be broken down to bits to be processed.
Puzzling the pieces back together is done by play. Reconnecting the inner with the outer. Life is a notebook....
I think as an artist I try to extend the inner realm. Yes in notebooks, on scraps, physical reminders of dreams and analogies. And this extension takes place on the writing desk too with all the gathered stuff, representations of connections made. So my workshop is to some extend my inner realm. The movement is from inner to outer. And the more finished work is nothing less than exposed innards. Shards put back together to form a new impermanent whole.
The world does the same but from the outward in. It tries to invade. The brain, the skin, the ratio, the gut blocks that, inhibits the incoming, filters it, seeks out the nourishment and excretes the rest. The world needs to be broken down to bits to be processed.
Puzzling the pieces back together is done by play. Reconnecting the inner with the outer. Life is a notebook....