How is it you manage to make me laugh out loud and down some hard truths at the same time - it's a gift. That pen! Thank you for this - the many posts about "how to succeed on Substack" are starting to make me a little bonkers. I feel like if you don't focus on the writing first (and wouldn't you want to?) that none of the rest of it will ever work.

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Thank you --

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This is so wonderful and accurate. Oh, god the PEN. I do love my pens, but it’s not about the pen but we so want it to be. I think we get scared and get out of the chair when things get foggy or uncertain and we get scared we‘re not going to get through. It‘s easier to hunt for a pen than spend hours and days working something we aren’t sure is going to work out.

I feel like when people ask about agents and publishing what they really want to ask is „Is this an insane thing to do with my time? Have I well and truly lost it? And can you please tell me if I will end up with an essay/book/poem/memoir at the end of that will make this uncertainty worth it???“

At this point, I‘ve accepted that it is an insane thing to do, I have lost it, but even if the thing flops it is totally worth it. Thank you so much for this... I‘m off back to the desk.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Elissa Altman

What a timely and excellent piece! When I was in grad school trying to write my thesis, I procrastinated by cleaning my bathroom! My bathroom has never been as clean since. Now I’m wondering how many of us spent time ordering the two books on writing? At least we didn’t have to spend weeks hunting them down in dusty bookshops. My goal today: stop trying to perfect (over-engineer?) my process and focus on the work.

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If people ordered those books, GREAT! They're wonderful -- but nothing is a replacement for actually doing the work!

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Elissa Altman

As one who is not a writer of any substance, I read your posts religiously. And every entry, offers me grater awareness - regardless of the topic du jour

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Boy was this right on time upon my return to Nashville, where everything seems to tick and tock based on which party you attend or were(n't) invited to and I find myself losing more and more faith in how this all "goes". Thank you!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Elissa Altman

ah, thank you for this beautiful post.. Ive recognised that when I'm writing, reading about writing is a form of procrastination (more entertaining and useful than most, so I'm not dissing it), and when I'm not writing, reading about writing can be motivating.

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This is brilliant and true

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Elissa Altman

Perfect. Just the message I needed. Thank you!

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You remind me of a story that was told of the late Josie (Johanna) Mankiewicz, a very witty writer, a very funny person, who was tragically kllled in a stupid traffic accident in New York City many years ago. Josie and her writing partner, the very witty Calvin Trillin, were planning to write a Broadway musical. "Yes," she said, "but it all broke down when we couldn't agree on the guest list for the opening night party."

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That’s about right!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Elissa Altman

I think that much of the procrastination results from insecurity, the fear of “what if what I write is unworthy or insignificant”. This piece is a great read for anyone who needs to place “butt in chair”, as Anna Quindlen likes to say, and stop searching for the right time and place. Even though I’ve never seen them, I am 100% sure your success as a writer is in no way attributable to “wearing the right shoes”, though it’s a perfect example of levity in an otherwise serious essay.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Elissa Altman

This is so good and so true. I remember when I was get a grad degree in history and I was expounding on mybyooic, and my advisor said, "you need to just sit down and write." And he was correct. Sitting and doing is the only way to get it done.

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Interesting reflections I have enjoyed and found refreshing. I was married to a playwright, who also teaches creative writing, and I always remember his advise to writers was ‘just write’.

I’ve been here a week. I came as it’s a place to share my writing as I begin to practice it.

The community and followers side of it has come as an unexpected and welcome surprise.

As has the amount of posts about writing, rather than writing itself.

And now I have found that my next piece of writing has ended up being a piece about what I’m writing 🤯🤣 Not offering any advise to anyone clearly, I am in no position to do that - I can only talk about courage usefully.

But the fact that’s what I’ve ended up writing about (I’ve not posted it you might note) has baffled me.

Have a joined a cult ? (That’s a joke for clarity before I upset anyone)

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This piece made me laugh out loud!

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