Osteopenia denier gave me RAGE EYES. I'm almost afraid to ask if any of these people ever talked to you about the well-documented benefits of hormone replacement therapy for post-menopause bone health and joint function, or if (like far too many doctors) they all missed the memo that the WHI "HRT causes breast cancer" study was based on bad science and has been thoroughly debunked.

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Apr 6Liked by Elissa Altman

Love this, love your writing, and yet sorry it takes such a physical toll. While dealing with a couple of medical issues, the pursuit of which is landing various test results in My Chart, my doctor and I have agreed that I'll only read NIH articles. He was, "Don't Google!" and I was, "I'm going to Google!" so this was our compromise.

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Apr 6Liked by Elissa Altman

Congrats Elissa on completing your book. We’re looking forward to reading it. Enjoyed this humorous but too true article on writing and aging! So true that those of us picture a serene scene of sitting on a comfortable chair in front of a window with beautiful vista and happily writing for hours! Much love, Kris

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Wow. Thank you. I have been trying to get help with three medical conditions that probably are connected and pingeing off of another. I used to be someone who didn’t really Google medical stuff until it became clear no one was really looking at how my conditions relate. I’m somewhat similar to you in that I’m athletic and have in the past been able to rely on that to know I could heal say muscular pain. I think our medical system does not work unless you have a very simple (meaning the science is simple not the patient’s experience) illness. I know treating an illness like some sort of math equation doesn’t work especially if you’re using the wrong equation. Thanks for writing this!

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…the osteopenia denier… I can’t

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I LOVE this post!!! I appreciate your dedication to writing AND to your body AND to the realities of aging. Go YOU! You are inspiring many of the rest of us. And, yes, the Monty Python cheese shop skit is a staple in my family. ❤️❤️❤️

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I am in the throes of a book of essays. It will be done soon. In the meantime, thank goddess for hyper-focus.

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You are good to share this because the sitting on the ass thing is a dangerous road - I’ve been on it too and it just isn’t good! You make a lot of good points here - I only wish you didn’t have these things to deal with!!

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I’m a medical professional (NP) and can attest that nobody really cares about osteopenia, and so few people are literate in hormone therapy and women’s issues it’s criminal. I don’t know how the system is going to function. Many primary care docs are becoming concierge doctors, and in their defense, they are so overworked that osteopenia falls very low on the list of things to worry about. It’s bad for all involved.

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Delightful essay. There was a late 70s SNL skit that was a take off on the United Negro College Fund's campaign about the "Mind being a terrible thing to waste." The tagline from the skit was "the mind is a terrible thing." I now often paraphrase it as "the aging body is a terrible thing.." If the body is a temple then mine is the Temple of Doom from Indiana Jones.

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Resonant as! Particularly the bootstraps required to solve health issues in these times. Wishing you relief, recovery and lots more time to write. Love your work 😊

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I just love all your writing!

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